In the wake of covid 19 the annual EAC usually held in Moshi Tanzania, could not take place physically as had been the norm.
We were there for the Digital East Africa Cup 2020!

Slum Changers
In the wake of covid 19 the annual EAC usually held in Moshi Tanzania, could not take place physically as had been the norm.
At AYiERA iNiTiATiVE we believe that education is by far the best empowerment in fighting poverty and ignorance.
Our Director, Mr. Hamilton Ayiera Nyanga received the Role Model Award for “Outstanding Personality” from the Liechtenstein FOOTBALL IS MORE FOUNDATION (FIM).
KTN News is a leading 24-hour TV channel in Eastern Africa. Last Friday (17 August, 2018) AYiERA iNiTiATiVE was given the opportunity to talk about Korogocho slum, the current situation there and – most importantly – about their success stories as a Community Based Organisation.
Each year pupils organise a “Day for Africa”. So they did this year.
“Hamilton Ayiera knows what he is takling about”
Founder and CEO Hamilton Ayiera Nyanga visited Germany on invitation of German supporters.
Once a year, in December, AYiERA iNiTiATiVE organizes the “Destitute Children Event”.