AYiERA iNiTiATiVE has won high praise from the president of the German Football Association, DFB, Reinhard Grindel.
In a letter to foundation “Hoffnung 1-plus – CARE for kids in slums” the highest representative of German football showed great respect for AYiERA iNiTiATiVE and its work in the slum of Korogocho, Nairobi.

Grindel compared the goals of Ayiera’s partner foundation “Hoffnung 1-plus” with those of DFB’s own foundations. In his letter he stressed the importance of education for young people: “Education is the key in fighting poverty – in Germany and all over the world,” Grindel wrote. When it comes to football, Grindel underlines the relevance of sports for social change. “Football and education are powerful instruments to fight poverty and its hardest consequences.”
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In the letter addressed to Heribert Scharrenbroich, chairman of “Hoffnung 1-plus“, Grindel wrote: “Your foundation is casting light” on those who deserve our support. Finally the president of DFB highlighted the work of Hamilton Ayiera Nyanga. The founder and CEO of AYiERA iNiTiATiVE was born and has grown up in Korogocho himself. Grindel described him as the right person at the right place: “With Hamilton Ayiera CARE has a person in charge who knows what he’s talking about.”