A whole day for the youngsters. A day of peaceful fightings with neigbours – on the football pitch. This is one of the key events of the AYiERA iNiTiATiVE.
It’s more than just football

This tournament is normally staged mid of every year with the aim of fighting social ills that affects slum communities i.e poverty, crime, prostitution, drug abuse and alcoholism, unemployment, environmental degradation, Inter ethnic conflicts, ignorance, HIV/AIDS and other diseases e.t.c.
We use sport to bring community members together. The tournament provides a platform for the residents of Korogocho slum to get educated, deliberate and discuss challenges, facing them. During this process we’re managing to find positive and lasting solutions to some of those problems.
Each year AYiERA iNiTiATiVE identifies an issue that
needs immediate intervention, then addresses it.
Slum footie tournament is a one day event with the target group being youths and the entire community. The youths are the main target group during this event since they are the ones mostly affected by the social ills some of them mentioned above.
Read here about the Destitute Children Event and
here about the Youth Groups Slum Exchange Programme.