Ayiera Initiative and German Doctors Nairobi, through Baraka health centre have partnered to undertake a free monthly community health outreach program for Korogocho slum dwellers. Through Community Based Outreach Program (CBOP), Korogocho slum residents will now have access to regular medical consultations, checkup and treatment. The program is a partnership between Ayiera Initiative and German Doctors Nairobi/Baraka Health Centre funded …
Tag: korogocho
Role model Award for AYiERA iNiTiATiVE Director
Our Director, Mr. Hamilton Ayiera Nyanga received the Role Model Award for “Outstanding Personality” from the Liechtenstein FOOTBALL IS MORE FOUNDATION (FIM).
Youth Group Slum Exchange Program 2019
We use sports to bring together registered self-help youth groups based in Korogocho slum to share and exchange ideas on their already existing small income generating projects.
“I am determined to shape my future”
Riziki Kagika is one of the many beneficiaries of Ayiera Initiative programs from when she joined as a young girl until now. She shares her story.
“I want to tell my story of hope through music”
“I was born and raised in Korogocho, but I hope through my music I will be able to tell my story to the whole world”, he says. “So that every talented child out there, be it in music, dancing, poetry can be encouraged and learn from my story”.
AYiERA iNiTiATiVE in Kenyan television KTN
KTN News is a leading 24-hour TV channel in Eastern Africa. Last Friday (17 August, 2018) AYiERA iNiTiATiVE was given the opportunity to talk about Korogocho slum, the current situation there and – most importantly – about their success stories as a Community Based Organisation.
Germany visit of Hamilton Ayiera
Founder and CEO Hamilton Ayiera Nyanga visited Germany on invitation of German supporters.
Destitute Children Event
Once a year, in December, AYiERA iNiTiATiVE organizes the “Destitute Children Event”.