We use sports to bring together registered self-help youth groups based in Korogocho slum to share and exchange ideas on their already existing small income generating projects.
In the 2019 edition , eight different registered youth groups drawn from eight villages in Korogocho participated in this two day event.
Day 1 – Workshop and training
In the first day of the event, the different groups represented by three of their members took part in a day-long workshop on entrepreneurship and business development. Here, youths got an opportunity to engage in strong positive discussions on how they could contribute to the development of their community. The youths learnt how to create new income-generating opportunities and ways to improve their already existing income-generating activities.

Furthermore, the youth groups were shown how to access funds from government institutions or to acquire loans from banks to scale-up their various income generating activities, how to manage their funds and project activities, entrepreneurial skills among other key topics aimed at improving their work.
Day 2 – Soccer competition
To wrap up the event, the groups participate in a soccer tournament(Slum Footie) . This tournament helps to strengthen the bond between youths drawn from different villages of Korogocho in a bid to help them work together to positively transform Korogocho. All group members participate in this tournament irrespective of their gender and age.
At the end of the event, the soccer winners and the Best Youth Group are awarded with equipment that are in line with their income generating activities in order to support and encourage their activities within the community.

You can also watch the the full video here.