In the wake of covid 19 the annual EAC usually held in Moshi Tanzania, could not take place physically as had been the norm.
AYiERA iNiTiATiVE joined organisations and individuals from across the world in taking part in a first of it’s kind, digital East Africa Cup, that was held online via Zoom platform.
We were privileged to represent Korogocho slum and Nairobi, through learning, engaging in interactive sessions and sharing our experiences, with a lot of focus being on the challenges and opportunities Covid 19 has presented to individuals and organisations.

Notably, our participants also took part in the youth challenge and emerged top, tying in position one with two other organisations. Plus, we had in place commendable technology, that enabled us follow the digital East Africa Cup and interact seamlessly. We further made sure that all attendees were safe by taking into account Corona Virus prevention measures.
The three day forum was represented by individuals and organisations across the world, including Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Namibia, Somalia, Norway, India and United Kingdom.
We appreciate Stiftung Zukunft für Kinder in slums for enabling our participation in the Digital EAC 2020!
You can also quickly watch a short documentary of the event here.