Our Director, Mr. Hamilton Ayiera Nyanga received the Role Model Award for “Outstanding Personality” from the Liechtenstein FOOTBALL IS MORE FOUNDATION (FIM).
The award ceremony took place on 2 October in Brunnen/Switzerland at the International CSR Forum of the FIM Foundation under the title “Together we are stronger”. The laudation for the awards was held by State Secretary ret. Heribert Scharrenbroich, Chairman of the German FOUNDATION FUTURE FOR CHILDREN IN SLUMS, who is also Chairman of the Board of Trustees of CARE Germany. In his acceptance speech the Director expressed gratitude for the recognition and promised to inspire and transform more underprivileged slum dwellers by “becoming a role model for millions of children, if not billions!”

Every two years, FIM holds this forum to discuss social commitment through football and corporate social responsibility. Representatives from science, media, business, NGOs and sport, including disabled sports, attend this forum. This year well-known clubs were represented at board level or by heads of their social foundations and CSR departments, such as Benefica Lisbon, FC Chelsea FC, Everton FC Glasgow Rangers, Real Madrid, AC Milan, Werder Bremen, Eintracht Frankfurt, VFB Stuttgart.