In addition to the many challenges, Corona Virus has resulted in the following negative impacts among slum dwellers;
- – contributed to rising number of gender based and domestic violence cases
- – caused high cases of early pregnancy among teenage girls
- – increased crime rate, drugs and alcohol abuse
- – reduced job chances and as well as resulting in loss of jobs that were existing before
- – interrupted children school learning process
- – generated psychological torture
- – interfered with human social practices that people were used to
- – increased hunger among family members
The above negative situations resulted by Covid-19 have accelerated poverty situation in Korogocho slum and made the lives of Korogocho slum residents to become harder than before. Out of the situation, the people who suffer most are children. The difficult life situation currently being experienced in Korogocho slum by the slum dwellers is negatively affecting the lives of young people that Ayiera Initiative (AI) work to improve. Coronavirus situation in Korogocho slum is indeed hindering the children’s upright development. Covid-19 has also resulted to a lot of domestic violence cases which some have resulted to serious permanent injuries and even deaths of the people involved (parents), the deaths out of the violence, automatically rendered the affected children instant orphans.

Our counsellors have over the pandemic period provided free counselling and psychological support onsite and offsite to affected individuals and children in Korogocho slum.