Korogocho Health Clinic was officially launched on Tuesday, 12th September in the presence of both Ayiera Initiative representatives, German Doctors officials, together with Korogocho area Chief representing the government.
German Doctors have been offering primary health care to the residents of Mathare slums, and now extending their services to Korogocho with the aim of achieving a dignified life for marginalized and vulnerable people in various slums in Kenya.
Taking collaboration to the next level
Since 2018, Ayiera Initiative has been collaborating with German Doctors to implement a free monthly Community Health Outreach program for Korogocho slum dwellers. This program has created relief for many slum dwellers, supporting thousands of slum dwellers to access quality health care. Between 2022 and 2023 alone, the health outreaches reached up to 6,500 slum dwellers.
From the outreaches, we realized a growing need for frequent quality, reliable, and affordable medical services. Furthermore to encourage frequent medical checkups among slum dwellers and prevent instances of severe medical conditions that could otherwise be detected early, Ayiera Initiative partnered with German Doctors to establish a health clinic inside the Ayiera Initiative Centre. The Health clinic is adequately equipped for checkups, treatment, and medication for the most prevalent cases within the slums. The medical services are highly subsidized and free for children below five years, therefore affordable to slum dwellers.

Ours is to promote early detection and prevention
The clinic is envisioned to have a great impact on the entire Korogocho community, easing access to quality medical services and helping the residents who have initially suffered the burden of walking long distances to access quality health care. The clinic also reduces the cost of accessing quality health services which has been a dilemma among many slum dwellers.
During the launch, there was an emphasis on the importance of prevention through frequent checkups and early detection. These are the fundamentals upon which the Korogocho Health Clinic is based.

Ayiera Initiative and German Doctors have had a long and fruitful partnership in which both institutions have strived to create relief among the most vulnerable and marginalized populations. Besides access to medical services, German Doctors have also donated food packages which are distributed to Korogocho slum dwellers.
Our partners Zukunft für Kinder in Slums (“Future for Children in Slums”) have also for a long time been immensely supporting the health activities from the conceptualisation stages of the Health program. The profound support from students, parents, and teachers at the Gymnasium Siegburg Allestrasse (GSA) has also been vital in ensuring that Korogocho slum residents access medical services through our previous monthly outreaches. Through their efforts, we are now able to offer reliable and continuous medical relief to the many slum dwellers in need.