The Achievements reached through the commitment of all AYiERA iNiTiATiVE volunteers, team members, supporters as well as the slum dwellers themselves are impressive.
Since its inception in 2007 AYiERA iNiTiATiVE Organisation has been able to
- make hundreds of children/teenagers acquire education through scholarship programme. Some of those children/teenagers have so far completed high school and joined universities to pursue higher education, while others got employment opportunities. Previously, quite a number of those children were not going to school at all but through sport we were able to identify them and take them to school.
- keep thousands of children and youths away from the dumping site and from engaging or practising uncalled for vices i.e Crime, Drug Abuse and Alcoholism, Prostitution e.t.c and rather engage them in activities that promote their well-being and that of their community (Korogocho slum)
Job skills, reconciliation and peaceful co-existence
- eradicate ignorance by imparting knowledge to thousands of Korogocho slum residents, enabling them to make informed choices, this has also reduced level of illiteracy in Korogocho slum.
- imparting job skills to several youths, making them eligible to get employment or start their own work, hence making them self-dependant and giving them something sustainable.
- created employment to a number of slum dwellers, and by this improving their livelihood.
- promoted peaceful co-existence and reconciliation amongst Korogocho slum dwellers.
- addressing slum challenges and being able to find positive lasting solutions to some of the problems.
Building the Community Centre
- constructed a sports pitch in Korogocho slum where children and youths engage in sporting activities.
- constructed Children and Youths Empowerment and Development Centre, a facility where children and youths of Korogocho slum are shaped to become productive and responsible citizen of their nation.
- received several awards for the outstanding contribution in social work and community development.