Ayiera Initiative

Germany visit of Hamilton Ayiera

Hamilton Ayiera speaks with Heribert Scharrenbroich © Tom Rübenach

Founder and CEO Hamilton Ayiera Nyanga visited Germany on invitation of German supporters.

Hamilton Ayiera visited Germany to regenerate friendships and partnerships – and to make new friends. Together with the foundation “Hoffnung 1-plus” chairman Heribert Scharrenbroich they traveled various places.

Well received visit in German school


Visit of Hamilton Ayiera in Germany | Newspaper article

In Siegburg (close to Cologne) newspapers took big notice of the visit as Mr Nyanga visited a school which is supporting the AYiERA iNiTiATiVE. Pupils of the “Gymnasium Alleestraße” are working together in an “Africa work shop” where they discuss the challenges faced by many African communities like Korogocho. They organise activities and sell goods to collect money for the initiative in Korogocho slum.




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