Ayiera Initiative


Judy Aoko Owuor © Tom Rübenach

Judy Aoko Owuor © Tom Rübenach

Hi there, my full name is Judy Aoko Owuor, I’m 21 years old and the current
AYiERA iNiTiATiVE Secretary.

Back then I used to stay with my elder brother after the death of my parents. He could not manage to cater for all my needs. He was a low income earner hence could not manage to pay for my school fees and as the same time daily bread.

I joined AYiERA iNiTiATiVE when I was already a school drop out(Form2) Due to my perseverance and seriousness in various programs, I was lucky to benefit from schooling sponsorship thus the completion of my secondary education in 2014.

Later on, I went to college to further study for the secretarial course which I managed to complete last year. I graduated the same year December.

Gratitude to Ai and the supporters for making me reach this far!!

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